Helmholtz Munich is a research institution of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Free State of Bavaria. It is a member of Germany’s largest scientific organization, the Helmholtz Association. As the German Research Center for Environmental Health, Helmholtz Munich pursues the goal of developing personalized medical approaches for the prevention and therapy of major common diseases such as diabetes mellitus, lung diseases and allergy. To achieve this, its scientists investigate the interaction of genetics, environmental factors and lifestyle. The Institute of Computational Biology (ICB), anchored at Helmholtz Munich, is globally recognised for innovations in data analysis and modelling of biological systems and diseases.
Role within NeuroCOV
HMGU will develop predictive models of NeuroCOVID risk using single-cell omics readouts. In particular, single-cell data generated in NeuroCOV will be processed, analysed, and visualised using tools from the Theis lab (i.e., Scanpy, Squidpy, EpiScanpy). Data from individuals with distinct genetic and molecular phenotypes will be integrated and extended to multi-sample, multiOMICs integration followed by computational cell type identification. We will deconvolute cell identities in the blood, the brain, and organoids by integrating ATAC seq data, with the aim of discovering networks of cellular communications relevant to the disease, and follow trajectories of differentiation affected by the disease. Following the identification of genetic variants associated with Post-COVID, we will use state-of-the-art machine learning approaches to model the impact of perturbations on expression variation. Finally, we will combine multiOMICs and clinical data to build predictive models of NeuroCOVID risk.